livre et conférences sur le burn-out et le harcèlement

My feelings about the meeting on the burn-out

French comission on the burn-out

I heard the same rubbish from some Members of Parliament Commission on the vote of the law the consequences of a burn-out. A Member refers to the too important investment of people. What does it mean by Investment too large? Too much Professional conscience? So, Mr. Congressman, you're advocating that you don't have a professional conscience not to fall into burn-out? A Member of Parliament is talking about sensitivity.  The person would be too sensitive. Sensitivity is part of the component Human. The Psychopaths, narcissistic perverts do not have any sensitivity towards other humans. This member's reflection (Very Short in both senses of the word) advocates to his fellow citizens do not be sensitive, become robots and you will not fall into burn-out or matches pathologies. Another and another member imputes this phenomenon to multifactorial causes, such as problems Family. She or he reverses the situation. A person who is well in his job that finds the Empathy In the event of a death or other accident of life, of support and who has a professional In Which it radiates will not fall into burn-out. However, a person who is ill-treated and psychologically abused at the workplace will not be available to his or her family and Friends.  I have met people who dare to talk about the suffering they have suffered at work and the consequences for their family life.
Do not say that a person who gets hit on a pedestrian walkway: "It's her fault, she didn't have to be there"

That is the message that you are passing on and that some HR personnel are using.

The burn-out is not a depression in the common word but literally a nervous breakdown. You have part of the same symptoms as depression, but the mechanism is reversed. It is the physical collapse, the temporary impossibility, the brain that says stop this is enough the next step is stroke or heart attack or any other serious illness that will cause death. This temporary handicap will generate a series of psychological problems such as post-traumatic stress etc. Trigger apprehensions in doing so after being broken and miscarried.  The evidence I'm not an anxious person. 

We are in an environment of work and society that does not allow dysfunctions around the people who work. These dysfunctions will bring an overload on people which will cause dramatic situations.

Sanctions are needed but they must be applied to the right people.  And how to apply them?  There's no general law. The phenomenon is much more complex. This is an analysis of case-by-case situations. It takes time, means, knowledge and goodwill. It is a problem of interaction between systems and people.

Companies are putting in place measures that are unfortunately circumvented or rejected by refractory people.  

This societal phenomenon is the responsibility of each one.  This awareness and the solutions of a whole everyone will avoid chaos.



Last edited: 05/11/2020

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